Monday, August 6, 2007

Don't live in the United States? No Internet for you!

Think everyone has access to the same internet? Well, maybe if you live in the US. For the rest of us, the internet is limited. Many websites (particularly the ones offering free television shows) are only available to ISPs located in the US. Why is this? Advertising? I don't think so, because it would be easy to find advertising based on location, which many websites already do.

Me being an American who has lived in the US most of his life, was completely unaware of this discrimination. It was not until I went to visit my parents in the Netherlands did I become aware of the limits of the internet for countries outside the US.

While surfing the net I came across a website that has links to free online education. I browse the site and click on a link to view a podcast to learn French, It opens itunes and I get this pop up.

Sorry, free French podcasts are only available for people who live in the US. I can't think of a reason why this is. Because last time I checked podcasts usually don't have advertisements. Oh well, I guess I will watch Lost then.

Nope, full-length episodes are only available to viewers within the United States. I don't get to see my Lost episode AND I still had to view their advertisements. ABC profited from my visit, and did not have to use their bandwidth to send me their show.

No Education, no TV, hmmmm what about Music? I then decided to go to Slacker Radio after hearing from PC Magazine: "It's the most exciting thing in digital music to happen in a long time."

Yep! Looks pretty fucking exciting. No Radio, no TV, no Education. And the RIAA and MPAA wonder why people are pirating? For us outside the United States, it is the only way to have access to these free services.

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