Whether it is because you have a project you need to get done, or you just want to stay up all night to party, or maybe you just fall asleep in class or at work. For whatever reason, this guide will help you get through your day and/or night.
1. Coffee
The most common method of staying awake is with a high dose of caffeine from coffee. In order to get the most caffeine per cup use finely gained coffee (more surface area = more caffeine) in a drip coffee maker.
If you desire even more caffeine, instead of using water in your coffee machine use coffee, for a double caffeine punch! (Note, this may ruin your coffee machine)
Also, for long lasting results, drink small amounts of coffee throughout the day.
2. Energy Drinks
Energy drinks commonly contain caffeine, guarana, taurine, various forms of ginseng, maltodextrin, inositol, carnitine, creatine, glucuronolactone and ginkgo biloba. All designed to increase energy and stamina. I find that Bawls, works best for staying up late. If you want to workout, then i would recommend Red Bull. However, statistically, Cocaine contains the most caffeine per ounce.
3. Water
Dehydration, can often times cause fatigue. In order to combat this, drink plenty of water. Also, large amounts of water will result in many bathroom breaks, which should also keep you awake.
4. Pain
Nothing will keep you awake like pain. Try pulling your hair a little, or lightly poking yourself with a paper clip.
5. Head Stand
A head stand will force blood to your head. Resulting in increased alertness
6. Flex
Flex your butt muscles or leg muscles. This will result in a faster heart rate and increased alertness.
7. Keep the room cold.
8. Excite yourself
Watch some porn. Go streaking. Anything to cause excitement.
9. Make a bet
Make a bet that you can stay awake for "X" amount of time. Money influences people, so i bet will influence you to stay awake.
10. Turn everything into a Sexual Innuendo
Mainly works for meetings and lectures, listen carefully to see what you can make "Dirty." "In order to solve the equation we must multiply..."